Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Field trip to the art museum!

Hello there!

I will be honest and type that sometimes I do not know how to start these blogs... so I just start. (explains this sentence being here, too)

It has been an interesting week. And by that I mean I had a weekend off. That has not happened for a while.

In honor of this rare weekend, I have a design along with a comic of the gang! And this one I had been working on for a while... and then stopped.

In other words, it is of the eclipse. Yeah, that eclipse. *not that late*

And the gang this time visits the art museum. These are actual interpretations... there is no other way I can think of it. Which also makes me think of what other people might expect to do at an art museum... hmmm

What else would you do in an art museum.....

And the eclipse is a preeeeetty big file, so I apologize in advance....
or here is the smaller file:

Anywho, I think I will be continuing this schedule of a comic every week. I am really starting to like it, keeps me moving and awake.

So! Next Tuesday! I will be back with another episode of PhoReal! Bringing in Suei's true addiction to the stuff.

Until then, have a great week!


Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Accidental Overnighter


Hope it has been a good week. Been a pretty good one for me.

(I got a comic finished in a week, that's what's up!)

I actually had a couple of all-nighter's this past week, and all of them were completely on accident. So that became my next subject.

The one thing I did forget in the original sketch of this was the couch... so my character was sitting in the air. No big deal.

Next week I will return with a comic for the gang. Still putting together an idea for a member or two.

Thank you and enjoy your week!


(I am very sleepy, I am going to bed now.... )

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Crab Delivery

Hi there!

It has been an eventful month that I have disappeared, I will say that.

Honestly, I tried out a job and discovered it was not for me. What I plan to do is really encourage myself to push harder at finding the job that will get me out there... Should probably show that I can do anything, yet I cannot help thinking about what I want to do. So I aim to achieve getting closer to that every day.

(It has taken a whole year after graduation to get to this mental state. I might turn that into a comic... hmmm)

Welp! Without further ado, I introduce the last summer comic for the season of 2017!

This is based on an actual shack that delivers crabs per phone call (and probably payment), and this is the actual reaction that happens whenever I see it.

Every summer. Crab delivery.

It is totally not my fault, they write the sign with those sizes, the exact way I say it. It was meant for me.


I am also thinking of expanding the exposition of this comic, as well as adding pages to this website. Now that I have a lot of time on my hands for a bit, I plan on using it to my advantage.

I will have a comic next week (not two weeks, actually next week!) and depending on how it goes, I might have a design, too!

Have a great week! Until next time!


Tuesday, August 15, 2017


Hello there!

So these past 2 weeks have been bonkers! In total, I had a convention and probably around 3 jobs (not counting the art jobs).

Oi, it was a busy two weeks.

I have some storyboards that I have been working on, and a sample for a morph idea attached below.

I didn't get around to a comic sketch until today... and I left the idea behind somewhere, so I'll update with one next week. Who knows, I might have some other things!

Have a great day! And enjoy my vague sketches.


Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Wrong Turn and Pho-Trailer

Hello again!

It's been a fun two weeks forming some ideas of other comics. And as for not having a comic last time, I have two for this week!

Recently some job gigs involve going to different locations, and more than once, I have easily taken a wrong turn. And in addition there is also another crazy installment of the PhoReal series.

Let's just say my friend still really loves pho.

When going to a different store to help out, do consider reviewing directions!

Pho addiction is a true thing.

I have no idea what to offer as a hint for what's to come in two weeks. I am still sticking to the bi-weekly schedule, just to see how things in life pan out.

Have a great two weeks! Until next time!


Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Long Hiatus Ended; My Apologies

Hello! Long time no see!

Well.... is now the time to mention there are moments in life where I drop off the face of the earth? The only exceptions to this are home chores and jobs.

Yeah, this is a thing that I do. Not a great habit to keep either.

The weirdest part about these disappearances: they are unexplained. There was nothing going wrong. No real reason to keep me from the computer.

It just ....happens.

On the bright side! I have three designs, along with the research I put into them, and the links to two of the designs on Redbubble. Woot Woot! (Do not feel pressured to buy, it's okay! Just enjoy the designs!!)

I am actually really excited for these. These designs have stories behind them that I have put next to each of them. Mostly, it's due to fascination or ideas that have been playing in my head so long.

I even got to use Corel Painter and play with colors and layers. It is so much fun, I even moved my comics over to Corel! Now I can do multiple at once and not have to worry about confusing the colors. Heheheh.

Without further ado! I introduce the three designs of June/July!
This is Sally! My great white shark mermaid for Mermay.

My original sketches I had uploaded to
twitter on the last day of May,
but I decided to continue with it.
I spent a lot of time on references, and
personally thought a lot of the pictures
were funny looking. 

I also wanted to play with water.


I started a series I like to call Earth's Children.
I drew a figure holding her shoulder and the arm
stretching upwards. It's easier to see in the sketches.
I want to approach environmental topics, so
I am starting with my favorite:

I have more of these and another tree series
 I'm calling Green Minds, so these
might be more common as
time goes on. 

The longer title of this one is Building Blocks of Life. The shorter name is Blocks.
Finding a use for old sketches is a little harder
than I thought, cause there are some really
good ones that I like that make
absolutely no sense. 

 This has a more interesting story behind it.

I was at a friends' son's birthday party, and there were building blocks with all sorts of designs. I saw one kid start stacking them, and then put a peg on top. I had this sketch in my notebook for about a year or so and found a use for it!

Blocks and Earth's Children you can find on my Redbubble page under the same name!

PandaEats Redbubble  (in case of broken link: https://www.redbubble.com/people/pandaeats)

I do have three comics in the works and may possibly have more by the next week. I really hope that with switching the platform I may be able to produce more. Might even switch to weekly!

Enjoy the artsy sketch! Until next Tuesday, enjoy your week!!


Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Don't trust anyone!

Hello there!

I underestimated the amount of attention this design would take. So! I do have the comic ready, but the design may take another week. Now I can officially promise next Tuesday as the official design update.

So far it looks like a pathetic sketch... maybe with the design I will have some images of how it went about. I just layer, and layer.... and layer. All the old sketches never go away, I just hide them.

This week! Don't trust anyone is the comic. This one, I will admit, took more consideration. Mostly because I did not want to make it look like I actually suspect people.

I do not. There is no time to spend suspecting people. I have customers, falling change, and martkarts to take care of.

That also explains why there is a fly.

Anywho! Fun story: the original look was way more toned down in expression. I was complaining about fixing it when Ninja-kun overheard and made the featured face. IT WORKED! (so thank Mr. Pun-man for this glorious face)

When you are not sure what is going on, DON'T TRUST ANYONE...

Thank you for letting me wash this in your mind for a bit. See you next Tuesday!!


Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Lights out!

Hi there!

Had I known that I would not be near a computer on Tuesday, I would have posted this on Monday.... 'cause that is when I finished this... Hah!

I have been driving around a lot over the past few weeks and have been looking mostly at roads and signs. So, of course, I remembered a light that is up the street from where I live. They activate when the sun goes down, but being on a hill, the other lights turn this one on and off.... sooo this happened!

Lights are just like us, getting annoyed at games.

Welp! It's back to the drawing board for the next installment!

I honestly have no idea what I want to do for the next one... I have about three ideas floating around in my head, and a fourth that is sketched. To be even more honest.... that sketch is horrible. I only have a head floating in space with no description. (Label your files, your later self will thank your earlier self).

With that babble said and done, have a great two weeks! (I may honestly post sooner, If I have not posted by Tuesday March 16th, then the next post is two weeks per norm.)

Thank you!

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Mart-Kart Tango

Hello to all!

It's another second week and I am on time! Muwhahahahahahah!

And with it, I am adding a new retail experience. I had actually gotten tangled in these cords that you find attached to the back of an electric seater cart. No joke (well, okay, not that bad, but still).

I am pleased to announce that I will also be attempting to put up some designs here as well. I am still trying to figure out what I will do with them, but for now, I have some ideas that I think are enjoyable. (Some of the names consist of "Earth's Children" and "Mugheads" just as an idea)

Without further ado, I give you another What I learned in Retail as the next Stupidity in Public!



Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Phoreal Travel Advice

Hi! It's the second Tuesday!

Or at least, when I finished this it was. May have stretched into the early Wednesday morning. Let's just say I didn't plan for it to be a double-shift-work day.

However, this is the beginning of reaching that deadline! Woo! I am actually cheering for deadlines...

What is wrong with me?

(It's been a long day, that is what's wrong.)

For this strip Phoreal gives some advice on travel... well, what to consider food wise! And this is as we are packing to who knows where. Ah, good times.

Enjoy the rest of the week!


Saturday, April 1, 2017

The Hospital Extra

Hi There!

It's the second week! I am getting irritated with myself in my lack of deadlines on this comic. So! I am going to commit!

Every (other) Tuesday will be a new comic. Still keeping on the Biweekly stage, as well as keeping it up to date. Taking the journey all the way through to the end!

As to this week's comic, I'm calling it the Hospital Extra. My dad, a year into his retirement, has recently had some fun explosions in his lower gut. While the doctors are trying to fix it, he is not allowed to drive home from the appointments. Me having the more flexible job makes me the willing driver.

Meaning this is my side of a hospital visit not meant for me. And yes, I do have a comforter that looks like outer space. And yes I slept under it on the floor. I made a lot of mornings that day.

Actually, I got a lot more looks after I got up off the floor, whipped out an anatomy for artists book, and started drawing anatomy. I may have scared some people.

Well! Now that the back story to this is filled, on with the comic:

The other visitor that doctors do not count as a patient.

Have a great couple of weeks!


Friday, March 17, 2017

Top O' The Mornin'!

Happy St. Patricks Day! I have a holiday themed comic this time, Woohoo! I almost submitted it without the speech bubbles, so I at least thought that through a bit.

When your store puts up the Easter holiday stuff right after Valentines Day.

Also, you can find the headband at Claire's... just saying. Didn't buy one, I have enough already.

Thanks and have a wonderfully green day!


Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Belated Valentines and Pho

Hello again!

It has been a weird twisted month, what with trying to grapple with the storyboard for the script I have been hired on. Also working on getting a grove of working on animation alongside script and retail.

Let us just say that tea is the balm of all pains.

On the bright side, I actually had a Valentine theme comic! Better yet, it works with belated Valentines! Hah! I am not usually fond of the Valentines day icons and expectations, and that is my excuse for the comic and I am sticking to it.

Alongside the Valentine theme, I have the beginnings of PhoReal. Similar to the What I Learned In Retail, PhoReal focuses on Suei-chan's addiction to Pho, a Vietnamese noodle soup. And when I mean addiction, I mean that all rationale no longer applies when Pho is mentioned.

Please enjoy the next two installments with Recordable Valentines and PhoReal:

Have a wonderful day!


Thursday, January 26, 2017

Sushi puns!

Hello again!

I do apologize for the post being later on this page than my others. Been in weird stages of forgetfulness lately. Also, working on both jobs. Photo-realistic drawings are not my specialty, so I've had to do some practicing. Outside of that is sleeping off the retail ruins.

Leaving that aside, I have the newest comic available! Introducing Ninja-kun's many puns, starting with sushi. It's appropriate.

Thank you and have a wonderful day!


Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Laundry and Sleep Deprivation

Hi there!

I do apologize for the month long break between comics. That is due to holiday season = more work hours = sleep zone off the clock. Also, I have achieved getting another job, this time as a storyboard artist for an indie film!

So without further wait, here are TWO comics (making up for lost time) one individual about laundry, and the other is another retail spot.

When you finally get to deal with that pile of laundry.

There is no such thing as sleep at work.

Hope happy holidays were had by all, and welcome to 2017~!
