Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Long Hiatus Ended; My Apologies

Hello! Long time no see!

Well.... is now the time to mention there are moments in life where I drop off the face of the earth? The only exceptions to this are home chores and jobs.

Yeah, this is a thing that I do. Not a great habit to keep either.

The weirdest part about these disappearances: they are unexplained. There was nothing going wrong. No real reason to keep me from the computer.

It just ....happens.

On the bright side! I have three designs, along with the research I put into them, and the links to two of the designs on Redbubble. Woot Woot! (Do not feel pressured to buy, it's okay! Just enjoy the designs!!)

I am actually really excited for these. These designs have stories behind them that I have put next to each of them. Mostly, it's due to fascination or ideas that have been playing in my head so long.

I even got to use Corel Painter and play with colors and layers. It is so much fun, I even moved my comics over to Corel! Now I can do multiple at once and not have to worry about confusing the colors. Heheheh.

Without further ado! I introduce the three designs of June/July!
This is Sally! My great white shark mermaid for Mermay.

My original sketches I had uploaded to
twitter on the last day of May,
but I decided to continue with it.
I spent a lot of time on references, and
personally thought a lot of the pictures
were funny looking. 

I also wanted to play with water.


I started a series I like to call Earth's Children.
I drew a figure holding her shoulder and the arm
stretching upwards. It's easier to see in the sketches.
I want to approach environmental topics, so
I am starting with my favorite:

I have more of these and another tree series
 I'm calling Green Minds, so these
might be more common as
time goes on. 

The longer title of this one is Building Blocks of Life. The shorter name is Blocks.
Finding a use for old sketches is a little harder
than I thought, cause there are some really
good ones that I like that make
absolutely no sense. 

 This has a more interesting story behind it.

I was at a friends' son's birthday party, and there were building blocks with all sorts of designs. I saw one kid start stacking them, and then put a peg on top. I had this sketch in my notebook for about a year or so and found a use for it!

Blocks and Earth's Children you can find on my Redbubble page under the same name!

PandaEats Redbubble  (in case of broken link: https://www.redbubble.com/people/pandaeats)

I do have three comics in the works and may possibly have more by the next week. I really hope that with switching the platform I may be able to produce more. Might even switch to weekly!

Enjoy the artsy sketch! Until next Tuesday, enjoy your week!!


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