Thursday, May 31, 2018

Sketchy Thursday #4

I'm Alive!!!

I survived the rush of Memorial Day weekend! A rush of madness and lack of sleep led to me rushing mermay last second. However, that is for next Tuesday! (Watch me extend those deadlines like a boss)

Today I have a bike and leather boots.

I have a friend that decided to meld some bikes together to create the "tall bike" and it rides pretty well with balance.

See you Tuesday, and stay crazy~


Thursday, May 24, 2018

Sketchy Thursday #3

Hello again!

It's time for another prompt on sketchy Thursday!

This time it's scrambled eggs instructions, all you ever see of an eel, and the human wave.

Stay Crazy~

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Once Upon A Time Mermay


I have an addition to the Mermay challenge. I am realizing the promise of 10 images by the end of May is coming to an end faster than I anticipated... But I've got the rest drawn out, it's coloring that is killing me more than it should.

Also, came across something. You can tell I am not belonging to two fandom's when I think my last name is referencing a character from Game of Thrones... when it's actually referencing Supernatural...
(My last name is Crowley)

This has happened. And I am thinking of adding another one. Not really. But a thought.

She holds the stars. I also had to put her jacket in there. Couldn't resist.

Have a great Tuesday, and see you Thursday!

Stay Crazy~

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Sketchy Thursday #2

Hello again to another Sketchy Thursday!

This week is the Submarine. I decided to draw it from above.

Enjoy thinking of ocean exploration from above!

Stay Crazy~

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Mermay Continues

Hello again!

I can now officially say that I am approved for a full time position that was hovering above my previous one. AKA any chunk of time that is not spent there will be spent on as much art as I can grapple with.

So going straight into it! I have Last Week Tonight with John Oliver as a mermaid. Because comedy adds levity where it's needed in life.

He's going over the trash epidemic in the ocean. Also, his suits are still impeccable.

I've got two weeks left to do 8 of these, I think I got this.

Enjoy your week and, until next Tuesday, stay crazy!


Thursday, May 10, 2018

Sketchy Thursday #1

Hi there!

This is something I started with a while ago, disappeared, and came back to. A 500 Prompt drawing book! I got it at a Books a Million a few years back, a purchase I do not regret.

I am starting to upload images from it every Thursday (as decided last week) so I decided I'd upload it here too.

To see previous weeks/days of drawings: 500Prompts

Here's the prompt page for this Thursday: Pretzels and Newspapers

Stay crazy~


Wednesday, May 9, 2018

MerMay Beginnings


It has been an exciting week, and I am just going to go into the art. Here it is!

Take it as you will, I am going to avoid paragraphs of explanations from now on... If I can help it.

By the way, Looking for reference on the MerMay for today is a fun google look-up. Pushed perspective, it gives you a mind teaser in an image.

I've signed up for a storyboard course for over the weekend, and I am putting more energy into this. I think MerMay will be my last illustrations for a while, for I want to get back into what I want to do for a career. Not ditching, just moving to a different section.

Plus, full time hours in retail is killing me inside, so this is a reprieve from the madness.

Enjoy your week and stay crazy,


Tuesday, May 1, 2018

One Week's Worth

Hello there!

The past week actually had a challenge from an old classmate of mine. To take five cute monsters and make them scary. Below is what they look like:

And finally a groupie shot:
I'm honestly surprised in myself for doing this. I did this in 5-6 days while working a little under a full-time work week.Especially since I wanted to put my all into the project. i really loved doing this and would probably do so again. 

So for now I should use similar energy to my personal projects (aka storyboards). But first and foremost.... sleep. Lots of sleep. 

I actually have an idea for Mermay! Yes!!! I am participating, but not as an everyday thing. I have ten, maybe 11 ideas, and since there are only so many, I'll be putting more work into it. 

I will also be posting on other social media as of tomorrow. And I also want to bring in weekly sketches, every Thursday. That way I am posting on here two days a week. I am really aiming for these deadlines and the success of these will really make my month a little brighter. 

So here's to the month of May! Hurrah Hurray!

Thank you and good night!
