Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Field trip to the art museum!

Hello there!

I will be honest and type that sometimes I do not know how to start these blogs... so I just start. (explains this sentence being here, too)

It has been an interesting week. And by that I mean I had a weekend off. That has not happened for a while.

In honor of this rare weekend, I have a design along with a comic of the gang! And this one I had been working on for a while... and then stopped.

In other words, it is of the eclipse. Yeah, that eclipse. *not that late*

And the gang this time visits the art museum. These are actual interpretations... there is no other way I can think of it. Which also makes me think of what other people might expect to do at an art museum... hmmm

What else would you do in an art museum.....

And the eclipse is a preeeeetty big file, so I apologize in advance....
or here is the smaller file:

Anywho, I think I will be continuing this schedule of a comic every week. I am really starting to like it, keeps me moving and awake.

So! Next Tuesday! I will be back with another episode of PhoReal! Bringing in Suei's true addiction to the stuff.

Until then, have a great week!


Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Accidental Overnighter


Hope it has been a good week. Been a pretty good one for me.

(I got a comic finished in a week, that's what's up!)

I actually had a couple of all-nighter's this past week, and all of them were completely on accident. So that became my next subject.

The one thing I did forget in the original sketch of this was the couch... so my character was sitting in the air. No big deal.

Next week I will return with a comic for the gang. Still putting together an idea for a member or two.

Thank you and enjoy your week!


(I am very sleepy, I am going to bed now.... )

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Crab Delivery

Hi there!

It has been an eventful month that I have disappeared, I will say that.

Honestly, I tried out a job and discovered it was not for me. What I plan to do is really encourage myself to push harder at finding the job that will get me out there... Should probably show that I can do anything, yet I cannot help thinking about what I want to do. So I aim to achieve getting closer to that every day.

(It has taken a whole year after graduation to get to this mental state. I might turn that into a comic... hmmm)

Welp! Without further ado, I introduce the last summer comic for the season of 2017!

This is based on an actual shack that delivers crabs per phone call (and probably payment), and this is the actual reaction that happens whenever I see it.

Every summer. Crab delivery.

It is totally not my fault, they write the sign with those sizes, the exact way I say it. It was meant for me.


I am also thinking of expanding the exposition of this comic, as well as adding pages to this website. Now that I have a lot of time on my hands for a bit, I plan on using it to my advantage.

I will have a comic next week (not two weeks, actually next week!) and depending on how it goes, I might have a design, too!

Have a great week! Until next time!
