Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Don't trust anyone!

Hello there!

I underestimated the amount of attention this design would take. So! I do have the comic ready, but the design may take another week. Now I can officially promise next Tuesday as the official design update.

So far it looks like a pathetic sketch... maybe with the design I will have some images of how it went about. I just layer, and layer.... and layer. All the old sketches never go away, I just hide them.

This week! Don't trust anyone is the comic. This one, I will admit, took more consideration. Mostly because I did not want to make it look like I actually suspect people.

I do not. There is no time to spend suspecting people. I have customers, falling change, and martkarts to take care of.

That also explains why there is a fly.

Anywho! Fun story: the original look was way more toned down in expression. I was complaining about fixing it when Ninja-kun overheard and made the featured face. IT WORKED! (so thank Mr. Pun-man for this glorious face)

When you are not sure what is going on, DON'T TRUST ANYONE...

Thank you for letting me wash this in your mind for a bit. See you next Tuesday!!


Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Lights out!

Hi there!

Had I known that I would not be near a computer on Tuesday, I would have posted this on Monday.... 'cause that is when I finished this... Hah!

I have been driving around a lot over the past few weeks and have been looking mostly at roads and signs. So, of course, I remembered a light that is up the street from where I live. They activate when the sun goes down, but being on a hill, the other lights turn this one on and off.... sooo this happened!

Lights are just like us, getting annoyed at games.

Welp! It's back to the drawing board for the next installment!

I honestly have no idea what I want to do for the next one... I have about three ideas floating around in my head, and a fourth that is sketched. To be even more honest.... that sketch is horrible. I only have a head floating in space with no description. (Label your files, your later self will thank your earlier self).

With that babble said and done, have a great two weeks! (I may honestly post sooner, If I have not posted by Tuesday March 16th, then the next post is two weeks per norm.)

Thank you!