Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Updates for Mermay 2018 and storyboards


I have finished another Mermay project! Mwuahahahahha.

This week I have Game of Thrones completed.

I want to finish this set so bad I am pumped. I have another series I am looking forward to working on as well.

I also have an untimed animatic for a web commercial that I am turning into an animation.

Already have the software for it and everything installed. Just putting the pieces together to start the animation process. I FEEL USEFUL.

Fun fact: Glass House by Brian Alexander is a great read. I compare it to reading The Disney Touch by Ron Grover, which is very similar when talking about company takeovers, moneymaking strategies, and leaving people feeling left out.
Also, ever since I've read this book, I have bought a ton of Anchor Hocking Glassware... I don't even know what to do with half of it. Mostly food related filling.

I am aiming to get a couple other storyboards into the untimed animatic stage, and to time that web commercial. Also want to visit the nature park nearest me and see what I can draw there. The water is pretty high right now, so it's gorgeous. Here's some shots from the last time I went.

Stay Crazy~

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