Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Story Boards to Beat Boards in Key

Hi there!

With another Tuesday upon us, I have some interesting things going on.

A fun thing that happened is a result of my going through high school documents. I went to a private high school for all four years (yes, very expensive, I thank my parents a lot for that) and some of the paperwork that I kept were from the last two years. I got a laugh about one noticeable detail:

The junior year (11th grade) assignments is where it got weird. Dad ran out of printer paper, and all of my homework, classwork, AND essays needed to be printed and collected for grading.

I'm sure there are reasons that my brain provided this as a good idea, but there are a lot of projects printed on BLUE printer paper. I also remember some teachers, at first enjoying the idea, getting a little ticked as I kept turning in the rainbow with my printed assignments.

So just to be clear, I did get a good grade, I just made it prettier.

I've attached an essay I did for English class of senior year (12th grade) where I repeated the offense (the why to this my brain also provided at the time and not now).

There is a second page to this... but it does quote some more interesting word choices from the author.

Outside of that, I have been working on changing a current project from storyboard to beat board for animation purposes. I will admit to being completely new to this, so any and all critiques are welcome. I have posted what the process is so far, and plan to have the beat board as some form of animatic by the end of this week.

This is a web commercial for a local Lockshop that works on keys for all sorts of things. One of the more unique keys they work on are motorcycles. I chose to emphasize that at the end of the commercial, with more motion from the character. The giant key featured throughout the piece is a key designed by one of the shop owners. It's kinda cool to work with her, since she herself is an artist. (But it also gives me waaaaaay to much leeway in the way of setting up and failing deadlines... )

This is half of the storyboard in my version of a beat board. I have it going into more focus on the movement of the character. I feel it is too even with the amount of motion, but I am hoping to use it with timing in animatic form. If not, toss them for in-betweens in animation. 

I'll be honest here and say the true reason for putting in the spinning key is so I could avoid doing three walk cycles... Yeah, it's not one of my strong points yet. 

I did sign up for a storyboard class (Storyboardart.org) and I am super excited for that. It's like going back to college all over again, without feeling sorry for another few months afterwards. 

Once again, not sure what I will have next week. I am hoping an update on this beat board into animatic process. Maybe another storyboard altogether. Really I just play with this week by week. 

Enjoy! And have a great week.


Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Delay with photos

Hi there!

Hope a good week was had by all. Last week was a sudden trip to Florida for family purposes. So of course I have some photos from a nature park not to far away.

I also have one illustration, and a work in progress. I would be farther on the second one if not for an art fair I am preparing for that takes place this Saturday. I am.... not ready to say the least. But I have stuff in the works for it, so it's all goooood.... (I'm not false on that last part).

So jumping right into it, here are some fun visuals!

For the illustration, I am going for the Sun. I have a Moon character in process as well, that should be finished by next week. 

As to the photos, this is a combo of a walk near a family residence and Lake Griffin Park near Ocala, FL. They had kayaks and hiking trails, so my brother and I had boat loads of fun (pun intended). There was actually a point where my brother went ahead of me, and about 15, maybe 20, feet away from me was a gator swimming in the water. I originally thought it was a bird... not sure how, but that was my first thought. I just steered the kayak in the opposite direction. 

Well, until next week! I hope to have something more for you.

See you soon.
