Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Finally Finished Mermay


My long hiatus was due to a weird event, I call it "Bumping up in Retail". I moved up to a full time position, so I was all of exhaustion, fear, and sleep. Most of it me running around in circles.

And to make my excuses even more insane, the program I usually use has corrupted on me. I could only use it as administrator... which had none of my tools or presets. Very convenient to my timing of needing sleep, so it was a double-whamy.

I have to remind myself not to worry too much, I downloaded a new software to move over to, and I have a storyboard software I am moving into at the same time. This should be interesting, especially since I will be watching a lot of tutorials.

Here's the final piece of my Mermay 2018: (let's just say next year I will be doing simpler drawings)

The Daily Show with Trevor Noah is now The Daily Wave

As to the software I will soon be using: Krita for comics and animations, and Wonderunit's Storyboarder. I am honestly looking forward to dedicating more time to these programs and play around with them.

Hopefully everyone is enjoying the end of 2018! For the end has just begun!

Stay Crazy~

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Sketchy Thursday #8


This week is a Sumo Wrestler and a Crystal Chandelier.

One fancy apartment on top of another... sure!

Stay Crazy


Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Sherlock Mermay


I have BBC's Sherlock as Mermay:

I only have one more to complete, and this one took the longest. Mostly because of the design. No flat.

I have set goals for myself for the end of the month, kinda treating it like a video game. Tasks to complete before a prize... kinda sad really, but I want it to work for now, just to trick myself into sitting down at the desk. Once I'm at the desk it's easier to start work.

I am planning to have the last mermay completed by next week, and I'm thinking of timing a storyboard or two into an animatic.

It should be fun to see what I get done first.

Stay Crazy~

Thursday, July 5, 2018

Sketchy Thursday #7


This week has a snake charmer and a playground.

Who doesn't love charming snakes?

Stay crazy~

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Updates for Mermay 2018 and storyboards


I have finished another Mermay project! Mwuahahahahha.

This week I have Game of Thrones completed.

I want to finish this set so bad I am pumped. I have another series I am looking forward to working on as well.

I also have an untimed animatic for a web commercial that I am turning into an animation.

Already have the software for it and everything installed. Just putting the pieces together to start the animation process. I FEEL USEFUL.

Fun fact: Glass House by Brian Alexander is a great read. I compare it to reading The Disney Touch by Ron Grover, which is very similar when talking about company takeovers, moneymaking strategies, and leaving people feeling left out.
Also, ever since I've read this book, I have bought a ton of Anchor Hocking Glassware... I don't even know what to do with half of it. Mostly food related filling.

I am aiming to get a couple other storyboards into the untimed animatic stage, and to time that web commercial. Also want to visit the nature park nearest me and see what I can draw there. The water is pretty high right now, so it's gorgeous. Here's some shots from the last time I went.

Stay Crazy~

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Sketchy Thursday #6


I have learned that hating busy days is just in the business, but so is hating slow days. It's interesting being in retail hours way more than I thought originally.

This week is a self portrait... and in all honesty, I did not want to do it. So here it is!

I hate doing these as much as the next person.  blegh.

I am going to be more active here in the next month. I still have 3 mermay's to finish, along with some animatics I want to complete. I may also touch up on some projects that have been sitting around for a couple years.

Welp! See you next week.

Stay crazy~

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Sketchy (Belated)Thursday #5


This week I have Keys and a Coffee Cup.

In reality, conveniently this is how they are in my room, so it works!

Stay crazy~

Tuesday, June 12, 2018



I have some storyboards for this week! I am so excited there are exclamation points everywhere.

I'm still getting used to full time hours since I have been part time for so long. And it's even more awkward that it's the same schedule that's all over the place.

And the storyboard I chose to start with is an experience with my friend's cat at 3:00 am for my first sleep over at her place.

It's been a while since I've played with a story and working angles. I'll probably return to this one because I still feel like that last scene could be better. Either that, or take it out completely.

As to sketchy Thursday, sorry about last week. I'm going to make sure that doesn't happen again.

Thanks for sticking around, see you again soon!

Stay crazy~