Thursday, January 26, 2017

Sushi puns!

Hello again!

I do apologize for the post being later on this page than my others. Been in weird stages of forgetfulness lately. Also, working on both jobs. Photo-realistic drawings are not my specialty, so I've had to do some practicing. Outside of that is sleeping off the retail ruins.

Leaving that aside, I have the newest comic available! Introducing Ninja-kun's many puns, starting with sushi. It's appropriate.

Thank you and have a wonderful day!


Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Laundry and Sleep Deprivation

Hi there!

I do apologize for the month long break between comics. That is due to holiday season = more work hours = sleep zone off the clock. Also, I have achieved getting another job, this time as a storyboard artist for an indie film!

So without further wait, here are TWO comics (making up for lost time) one individual about laundry, and the other is another retail spot.

When you finally get to deal with that pile of laundry.

There is no such thing as sleep at work.

Hope happy holidays were had by all, and welcome to 2017~!
